Parent & Caregiver Resources

The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Care

Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-Being

Talking to Children About Coronavirus

Parenting Guides During Times of Stress

Children’s Education & Development

CDC Milestone Tracker

This free app from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supports parents in tracking their child’s development, providing simple tips on how to improve development, and next steps for those concerned with how their child is developing. The Milestone Tracker app can help parents recognize delays and share information with their healthcare provider. The app allows for multiple children and supports scheduling and reminder tools for doctors appointments and developmental screenings.


This early learning platform supports families and schools alike by striving to close the opportunity gap long before children reach kindergarten. This literacy tool provides interactive stories and games that motivate children to stay interested in the program. Parents can switch between both English and Spanish tools. The app is free to Napa County residents, please visit this Napa County Office of Education page to get started.


Vroom is a Seattle-based developer of quality early learning apps and tools. Vroom was developed by a group of more than a dozen leading researchers in neuroscience, psychology, behavioral economics, parenting, and early childhood development.  The app provides daily ideas on how to implement learning opportunities in everyday life.

Resources by Text

Bright by Text

Developed by Bright by Three, Bright by Text provides quality information and trusted resources to parents and caregivers of children prenatal to five. Available in English and Spanish; the messages are comprised of research-based content from Bright by Three and partners such as PBS, Vroom, and Sesame Street.  More information here.


In addition to providing tips and resources to pregnant women and women with infants, by partnering with Too Small to Fail and Sesame Street, Text4baby now also delivers tips and parenting videos on the importance of talking, reading and singing to young children.


Stanford University’s TIPS by TEXT is a text messaging program designed for family, friends, and others who take care of children under the age of 5 years. The goal of the app is to help support children’s development by providing information and fun activities to do with children. Sign up here.

Online Resources


A website dedicated to everything books and reading.  Great suggestions for age-appropriate books and how to instill the love of reading in children of all ages.

Common Sense Media

This independent nonprofit supplies parents with an accessible way to navigate the continuously changing system of media and technology. Common Sense Media offers ratings and reviews for movies, games, apps, TV shows, websites, books, and music, to help parents find media that is age-appropriate and educational.

Napa County Library Online

Discover many new resources through the Napa Library besides checking out books!  The database section includes links to TumbleBooks, Libby, Discover & Go and many other excellent resources for families that are free to access with a Napa County library card.

RCRC Toolbox

The Resilient Children/Resilient Communities Initiative (RCRC) Tool Box is spearheaded by the National Center for Disaster Preparedness in partnership with Save the Children. This easy-to-use Tool Box provides procedures, training, and guidance that supports the safety and resilience of children nationwide before, during and after disasters.

Screen Sense

Deciding what, when and how much can be a daunting task when choosing age-appropriate learning apps for your children. This guide assists parents and caregivers in the challenging decision-making process.

Sesame Street in Communities

Discover games, videos and more on topics important to you and your child.  Sesame Street in Communities builds on an almost 50-year commitment to caring for the developmental, physical, and emotional needs of children. Thoroughly researched and tested with families, these resources are proven to make a measurable difference for kids and make your job as a parent a little bit easier.


The Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy presents “Story Blocks” a user-friendly website that teaches parents and caregivers to foster their child’s early development. Story Blocks shows parents and caregivers how to interact with their child through songs, rhymes, and stories and provides helpful tips to develop children’s pre-literacy needs.

Talking is Teaching

Visit the website for tips on talking, reading and singing with young children during everyday moments. Topics include early literacy, early math, and social-emotional development. You can also sign up to receive resources by email.


TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books that teach kids the joy of reading in a format they’ll love. TumbleBooks are created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sound, music, and narration to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you. TBL also includes National Geographic videos and games.  For free access with your Napa County Library card, click here.

Bilingual resources for families and caregivers geared towards helping children with learning differences.  We especially like the Parent Toolkit that provides personalized recommendations for you and your child on various parenting topics.

Zero to Three

With resources relating to early development & well-being, early learning and parenting, Zero to Three is a go-to website for anyone nurturing a young child.  Some resources are available in Spanish as well.