Search for Child Care
Choosing a provider for your child is one of the most important decisions you face as a parent. Finding good child care takes lots of time and work. Make sure you start early in planning your child’s care.
Whether your preference is for a licensed family child care home, a child care center, a nanny or a sitter, you will want to have complete information about your options before you make your choice.
Community Resources for Children (CRC) is the child care resource and referral agency funded by the State of California for Napa County. The referral coordinators at CRC can help you to understand your needs and options. They will listen to your questions and concerns; however, they can’t make your decision. That is up to you. You need to examine your own values and beliefs about bringing up children and you must be confident that the caregiver you choose has values that you respect, and will give your child individual, caring attention.
More Information
- Child Care Referral Guide
English | Spanish - Information about Universal Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten
Napa County Pre-K and Transitional Kindergarten
Link to a recording of Napa County UPK Panel - Search for Child Care Across Counties
- What type of care is best for your family?
English | Spanish
Thank you for using Community Resources for Children’s child care referral service. We know choosing child care is one of the most important decisions a family can face. Providers listed on the child care referral list are selected using the criteria supplied by you. These providers are referrals, not recommendations. You should always visit providers before deciding on care. CRC does not inspect or warrant the condition of any facility or the quality of supervision the children receive. As a parent, you have the right to obtain information about any substantiated or inconclusive complaints about a childcare provider that you select for your child by calling the local licensing office at 1-844-538-8766 or visiting
The database is available to you to search for child care in Napa County. Please enter the city where you need care. If you need assistance, please contact our Resource & Referral Specialist at (707) 346-6980 or
The Alternative Payment Program provides subsidies to pay for child care in a location of the parent’s choice while the parent or parents are working, in training, or seeking employment. These programs, administered by the California Department of Education and the California Department of Social Services, are state and federally funded. To find out if you are eligible, please visit this page.
Small Family Child care Homes
Large Family Child care Homes
Child care Centers
Before and after school child care for school-aged children
Before and after school child care is currently being offered mainly at NVUSD and at the Boys and Girls Club sites – access a list of options here. Some child care centers and family child care home providers also offer slots for school-aged children. To inquire about this option please contact CRC’s referral counselor at or (707) 346-6980.
Other options
NCOE – Napa County Office of Education:
For children ages 0-3 (Napa Infant Program): (707) 253-6914
For children ages 3-5 (Napa Preschool Program): (707) 253-6850
(707) 252-8931
TrustLine is California’s registry of in-home child care providers, tutors and in-home counselors who have passed a background screening. It was created by the California Legislature in 1987 and is a powerful resource for parents hiring a nanny or babysitter.
All caregivers listed with TrustLine have been cleared through a fingerprint check of records at the California Department of Justice. This means they have no disqualifying criminal convictions or substantiated child abuse reports in California. TrustLine is administered by the California Department of Social Services and the non-profit Child Care Resource and Referral Network. It is endorsed by the California Academy of Pediatrics. For more information about this invaluable resource, call TrustLine at 1-800-822-8490 or go to