Toy Library and Early Learning Center/ Biblioteca de Juguetes y Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano:
We are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 am to 12 pm. No reservation is required. We look forward to seeing you! For questions, please contact us at (707) 253-0376 or [email protected].
Estamos abiertos los lunes, martes y miércoles de 10 am a 12 pm. No se requiere reserva. ¡Esperamos verlos allí! Si tiene alguna pregunta, favor de comunicarse con nosotros al (707) 253-0376 o [email protected].
Bilingual Learn & Grow Paygroups:
Our next cycle of Bilingual Learn & Grow playgroups will start on September 19th. Join us on Thursday mornings from 10-11:30 am in the CRC Toy Library and Early Learning Center. No reservation is required. We look forward to seeing you!
El próximo ciclo de nuestro grupo de juego bilingüe Learn & Grow comenzará el 19 de septiembre. Únase a nosotros los jueves por la mañana de 10 a 11:30 a. m. en la Biblioteca de Juguetes y el Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano. No se requiere reserva. ¡Esperamos verlos allí!
Developmental Screenings and the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ):
Would you like to have more ideas of appropriate activities to play with your child at home?
Do you want to know how your child is doing according to his/her age?
Do you want to learn more about your child’s development and how to support it?
Do you have any concerns about your child’s development?
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) is a screening tool completed by the parent/caregiver that will quickly and easily help you learn more about your child’s development and how to continue supporting his/her growth.
There are 3 ways you can access this screening: via email, telephone or video call. Once the screening is completed, CRC staff will summarize the results and share them with you. In addition, we will provide Individualized Development Support Activities. Please complete an interest form below to sign up for a screening. If you have already participated in a CRC program, please contact Steph Shieh directly at [email protected] or (707) 346-6983.
¿Quiere saber el nivel del desarrollo desu hijo de acuerdo con su edad?
¿Va a entrar su hijo a la escuela pronto?
¿Le preocupa la brecha ocacionada por el COVID?
El Cuestionario de Edades y Etapas (ASQ)
- Herramienta de evaluación gratuita que los padres/cuidadores completan
- Identifique rápida y fácilmente cualquier inquietud sobre el desarrollo de su hijo
- Reciba un Plan de Apoyo Individualizado para continuar apoyando el crecimiento de su hijo.
Obtenga la herramienta de evaluación:
- Facilmente, en línea
- Individualmente por teléfono o videollamada con un miembro del personal de CRC
- Si usted ha participado en un programa de CRC, favor de comunícarse directamente con Steph, [email protected] o (707) 346-6983
How you can help:
The Toy Library and Early Learning Center is a free resource to the community that relies on the generous support of donors. If you know a person, business, or organization that might be willing to contribute funds to help us purchase additional toys and learning materials, please contact Eva Simonsson or (707) 253-0376 x140.